Property Q&As

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Real Reader SMSF Scenarios

Investing through an SMSF can be complicated, and expert guidance and support are key to making it work. These real reader scenarios shed light on some tricky aspects of borrowing through an SMSF

Reno Q&A: Vetting Your Selling Agent

Reno Q&A: Picking the right property to renovate.

Reno Q&A: Your renovation questions on buying a rundown property answered

Reno Q&A: Your renovation questions on bank valuations answered

Reno Q&A: Renovating for profit

Reno Q&A: Asbestos and planning for your renovation

Reno Q&A: Poor Quality Workmanship from Tradespeople

Reno Q&A: Your renovation questions answered

​Reno Q&A: Timing your reno, and when you need DA approval

​Ask the Experts: Claiming Tax on Renovations & Finding The Right Deal

​Reno Q&A: Bathroom colour schemes and where to focus an upgrade

​Reno Q&A: Best time to do a renovation

Property Management Q&A: Repairs and Maintenance Issues

Reno Q & A : Investment Potential of Eco-Friendly Homes

​RENO Q&A: Installing a frameless shower screen and more

Kitchen Renos, Bathroom Reno, and Choosing Granite, Marble or Caesarstone Benchtops

Reno Q&A - Comparing Quotes - Laundry + Bathroom & Best flooring for a rental property

Reno Q&A with Cherie Barber

Q&A Renovations with Cherie Barber

Creating A Property Investment Plan - Ben Kingsley

Converting a Three-Bedder to a Four-Bedroom Home

Reno to Sell and Analysing Reno Potential

Claiming Bond and Damage to Property

My Property Manager's Friend as my Tenant and High Property Manager Turnover

Subletting and To Furnish or Not To Furnish

DIY renovations and how to find the best tradies

When To Sell, When To Hold?

Renovation When Property is Tenanted and Maintenance Issues

Tax Q&A: CGT Issues

Reno Q&A: More Rooms = More Profit, Granny Flats and Where to Spend a $10k Reno Budget

Property management Q&A: Illegal Renovation by Tenants and New Migrants as Tenants

Finance Q&A: Your finance questions answered

Reno Q&A: Calculating Costs And DIY Vs. Professional Reno

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