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Median values are calculated based on data over a 12 month period.

Data is provided by CoreLogic. CoreLogic is a leading provider of consumer, financial and property information, analytics and services to business and government.
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Top Performing Suburbs in Australian Capital Territory

View median property prices in Australian Capital Territory to get a better understanding of state market trends.

Top suburbsProperty
12 month
12 month
Weekly median
advertised rent
rental yield
GungahlinUnits164 440,000 -0.56 -2.22 528 6.08
LyonsUnits37 375,000 +2.68 -2.98 492 5.91
BelconnenUnits294 472,000 -1.67 -1.67 550 5.84
HarrisonUnits78 541,500 -0.82 +6.14 550 5.75
FranklinUnits103 510,000 -0.49 -2.86 560 5.74
PhillipUnits206 550,000 -1.79 +2.04 580 5.74
BelconnenHouses25 653,000 -4.67 +5.32 550 5.63
MacquarieUnits30 482,500 +0.52 +14.07 560 5.61
CityUnits137 522,000 -5.95 -19.69 650 5.56
BraddonUnits232 565,000 0.00 +6.60 610 5.56

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ACT Market Reports

ACT Excerpt from the 2020 September Market report

Between the end of March and the end of July, dwelling values across the ACT housing market increased by 1.3%, going against the 1.4% decline across national dwelling values.

ACT Excerpt from the 2020 August Market report

ACT Excerpt from the 2020 July Market report

ACT Excerpt from the 2020 June Market report

ACT Excerpt from the 2020 May Market report

ACT Excerpt from the 2020 April Market report

ACT Excerpt from the 2020 March Market report


Looking to invest or refinance?

List of Australian Capital Territory Suburbs

Acton, 2601 Ainslie, 2602 Amaroo, 2914 Aranda, 2614 Banks, 2906 Barton, 2600 Beard, 2620 Belconnen, 2617 Bonner, 2914 Bonython, 2905 Braddon, 2612 Brindabella, 2611 Bruce, 2617 Calwell, 2905 Campbell, 2612 Canberra Airport, 2609 Capital Hill, 2600 Casey, 2913 Chapman, 2611 Charnwood, 2615 Chifley, 2606 Chisholm, 2905 City, 2601 Conder, 2906 Cook, 2614 Coombs, 2611 Crace, 2911 Curtin, 2605 Deakin, 2600 Denman Prospect, 2611 Dickson, 2602 Downer, 2602 Duffy, 2611 Dunlop, 2615 Evatt, 2617 Fadden, 2904 Farrer, 2607 Fisher, 2611 Florey, 2615 Flynn, 2615 Forde, 2914 Forrest, 2603 Franklin, 2913 Fraser, 2615 Fyshwick, 2609 Garran, 2605 Gilmore, 2905 Giralang, 2617 Gordon, 2906 Gowrie, 2904 Greenway, 2900 Griffith, 2603 Gungahlin, 2912 Hackett, 2602 Hall, 2618 Harrison, 2914 Hawker, 2614 Higgins, 2615 Holder, 2611 Holt, 2615 Hughes, 2605 Hume, 2620 Isaacs, 2607 Isabella Plains, 2905 Jacka, 2914 Kaleen, 2617 Kambah, 2902 Kingston, 2604 Latham, 2615 Lawson, 2617 Lyneham, 2602 Lyons, 2606 Macarthur, 2904 Macgregor, 2615 Macnamara, 2615 Macquarie, 2614 Mawson, 2607 Mckellar, 2617 Melba, 2615 Mitchell, 2911 Monash, 2904 Moncrieff, 2914 Nanima, 2618 Narrabundah, 2604 Ngunnawal, 2913 Nicholls, 2913 O'Connor, 2602 O'Malley, 2606 Oaks Estate, 2620 Oxley, 2903 Page, 2614 Palmerston, 2913 Parkes, 2600 Pearce, 2607 Phillip, 2606 Pialligo, 2609 Red Hill, 2603 Reid, 2612 Richardson, 2905 Rivett, 2611 Russell, 2600 Scullin, 2614 Spence, 2615 Springrange, 2618 Stirling, 2611 Strathnairn, 2615 Symonston, 2609 Taylor, 2913 Tharwa, 2620 Theodore, 2905 Throsby, 2914 Torrens, 2607 Turner, 2612 Uriarra, 2611 Uriarra Village, 2611 Wanniassa, 2903 Waramanga, 2611 Watson, 2602 Weetangera, 2614 Weston, 2611 Wright, 2611 Yarralumla, 2600


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