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Top Performing Suburbs in Victoria

View median property prices in Victoria to get a better understanding of state market trends.

Top suburbsProperty
12 month
12 month
Weekly median
advertised rent
rental yield
CarltonUnits283 407,000 +14.97 +23.33 550 7.73
TravancoreUnits57 377,000 +4.43 +12.87 520 6.68
Box HillUnits220 598,000 -0.33 +18.65 580 5.76
BundooraUnits163 492,050 +0.01 +9.34 480 5.21
EumemmerringUnits34 595,000 0.00 +15.87 500 5.12
EppingUnits106 480,000 +0.79 +5.26 470 5.10
TullamarineUnits54 550,000 0.00 +5.36 500 5.06
Wyndham ValeUnits38 470,000 +0.11 +6.82 440 5.05
CranbourneUnits78 496,000 -0.80 +10.22 470 5.04
Wantirna SouthUnits77 605,000 -11.03 +15.24 585 4.95

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VIC Market Reports

VIC Excerpt from the 2020 September Market report

The current conditions in one property segment will likely remain favourable for would-be investors, according to the quarterly review from RPM Real Estate Group.

VIC Excerpt from the 2020 August Market report

VIC Excerpt from the 2020 July Market report

VIC Excerpt from the 2020 June Market report

VIC Excerpt from the 2020 May Market report

VIC Excerpt from the 2020 April Market report

VIC Excerpt from the 2020 March Market report


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List of Victoria Suburbs

Abbeyard, 3737 Abbotsford, 3067 Aberfeldie, 3040 Aberfeldy, 3825 Acheron, 3714 Ada, 3833 Adams Estate, 3984 Addington, 3352 Adelaide Lead, 3465 Agnes, 3962 Aintree, 3336 Aire Valley, 3237 Aireys Inlet, 3231 Airly, 3851 Airport West, 3042 Albacutya, 3424 Albanvale, 3021 Albert Park, 3206 Alberton, 3971 Alberton West, 3971 Albion, 3020 Alexandra, 3714 Alfredton, 3350 Allambee, 3823 Allambee Reserve, 3871 Allambee South, 3871 Allans Flat, 3691 Allansford, 3277 Allendale, 3364 Allestree, 3305 Alma, 3465 Almonds, 3727 Almurta, 3979 Alphington, 3078 Altona, 3018 Altona Meadows, 3028 Altona North, 3025 Alvie, 3249 Amherst, 3371 Amor, 3825 Amphitheatre, 3468 Anakie, 3213 Ancona, 3715 Anderson, 3995 Anglers Rest, 3898 Anglesea, 3230 Annuello, 3549 Antwerp, 3414 Apollo Bay, 3233 Appin, 3579 Appin South, 3579 Apsley, 3319 Arapiles, 3409 Ararat, 3377 Arawata, 3951 Arbuckle, 3858 Arcadia, 3631 Arcadia South, 3631 Archdale, 3475 Archdale Junction, 3475 Archerton, 3723 Archies Creek, 3995 Ardeer, 3022 Ardmona, 3629 Areegra, 3480 Argyle, 3523 Armadale, 3143 Armstrong, 3377 Armstrong Creek, 3217 Arnold, 3551 Arnold West, 3551 Arthurs Creek, 3099 Arthurs Seat, 3936 Ascot, 3551 Ascot, 3364 Ascot Vale, 3032 Ashbourne, 3442 Ashburton, 3147 Ashwood, 3147 Aspendale, 3195 Aspendale Gardens, 3195 Athlone, 3818 Attwood, 3049 Aubrey, 3393 Auchmore, 3570 Avalon, 3212 Avenel, 3664 Avoca, 3467 Avon Plains, 3477 Avondale Heights, 3034 Avonmore, 3559 Avonsleigh, 3782 Axe Creek, 3551 Axedale, 3551 Ayrford, 3268 Bacchus Marsh, 3340 Baddaginnie, 3670 Badger Creek, 3777 Bael Bael, 3579 Bagshot, 3551 Bagshot North, 3551 Bahgallah, 3312 Bailieston, 3608 Bairnsdale, 3875 Bakery Hill, 3350 Balaclava, 3183 Bald Hills, 3364 Balintore, 3249 Ballan, 3342 Ballangeich, 3279 Ballapur, 3483 Ballarat Central, 3350 Ballarat East, 3350 Ballarat North, 3350 Ballendella, 3561 Balliang, 3340 Balliang East, 3340 Ballyrogan, 3375 Balmattum, 3666 Balmoral, 3407 Balnarring, 3926 Balnarring Beach, 3926 Balook, 3971 Balwyn, 3103 Balwyn North, 3104 Bamawm, 3561 Bamawm Extension, 3564 Bambra, 3241 Bamganie, 3333 Bandiana, 3691 Bangerang, 3393 Bangholme, 3175 Banksia Peninsula, 3875 Bannerton, 3549 Bannockburn, 3331 Banyan, 3485 Banyena, 3388 Baranduda, 3691 Barfold, 3444 Baringhup, 3463 Baringhup West, 3463 Barjarg, 3723 Barkers Creek, 3451 Barkly, 3384 Barkstead, 3364 Barmah, 3639 Barnadown, 3557 Barnawartha, 3688 Barnawartha North, 3691 Baromi, 3871 Barongarook, 3249 Barongarook West, 3249 Barrabool, 3221 Barrakee, 3525 Barramunga, 3249 Barraport, 3537 Barraport West, 3537 Barrys Reef, 3458 Barunah Park, 3329 Barunah Plains, 3329 Barwidgee, 3737 Barwite, 3722 Barwon Downs, 3243 Barwon Heads, 3227 Basalt, 3460 Bass, 3991 Batesford, 3213 Bathumi, 3730 Baw Baw, 3833 Baxter, 3911 Bayindeen, 3375 Bayles, 3981 Baynton, 3444 Baynton East, 3444 Bayswater, 3153 Bayswater North, 3153 Beaconsfield, 3807 Beaconsfield Upper, 3808 Bealiba, 3475 Bearii, 3641 Bears Lagoon, 3517 Beauchamp, 3579 Beaufort, 3373 Beaumaris, 3193 Beazleys Bridge, 3477 Beeac, 3251 Beech Forest, 3237 Beechworth, 3747 Beenak, 3139 Belgrave, 3160 Belgrave Heights, 3160 Belgrave South, 3160 Bell Park, 3215 Bell Post Hill, 3215 Bellarine, 3223 Bellbird Creek, 3889 Bellbrae, 3228 Bellbridge, 3691 Bellellen, 3381 Bellfield, 3381 Bellfield, 3081 Bells Beach, 3228 Belmont, 3216 Bemm River, 3889 Bena, 3946 Benalla, 3672 Benambra, 3900 Benayeo, 3319 Bend of Islands, 3097 Bendigo, 3550 Bendoc, 3888 Bengworden, 3875 Benjeroop, 3579 Benloch, 3435 Bennison, 3960 Bentleigh, 3204 Bentleigh East, 3165 Benwerrin, 3235 Beremboke, 3342 Berrimal, 3518 Berringa, 3351 Berringama, 3691 Berriwillock, 3531 Berrybank, 3323 Berrys Creek, 3953 Berwick, 3806 Bessiebelle, 3304 Bet Bet, 3472 Bete Bolong, 3888 Bete Bolong North, 3888 Bethanga, 3691 Betley, 3472 Beulah, 3395 Beverford, 3590 Beveridge, 3753 Big Desert, 3490 Big Hill, 3555 Big Hill, 3231 Big Pats Creek, 3799 Biggara, 3707 Billabong, 3858 Bimbourie, 3533 Bindi, 3896 Binginwarri, 3966 Bingo Munjie, 3898 Birchip, 3483 Birchip West, 3483 Birdwoodton, 3505 Birregurra, 3242 Bittern, 3918 Black Hill, 3350 Black Range, 3381 Black Rock, 3193 Blackburn, 3130 Blackburn North, 3130 Blackburn South, 3130 Blackheath, 3401 Blackwarry, 3844 Blackwood, 3458 Blairgowrie, 3942 Blakeville, 3342 Blampied, 3364 Blind Bight, 3980 Blowhard, 3352 Bo Peep, 3351 Bobinawarrah, 3678 Bochara, 3301 Bogong, 3699 Boho, 3669 Boho South, 3669 Boigbeat, 3531 Boinka, 3490 Boisdale, 3860 Bolangum, 3387 Bolinda, 3432 Bolton, 3546 Bolwarra, 3305 Bolwarrah, 3352 Bona Vista, 3820 Bonang, 3888 Bonbeach, 3196 Bonegilla, 3691 Boneo, 3939 Bonn, 3561 Bonnie Brook, 3335 Bonnie Doon, 3720 Bonshaw, 3352 Bookaar, 3260 Boola, 3825 Boolarong, 3960 Boolarra, 3870 Boolarra South, 3870 Boole Poole, 3880 Boolite, 3392 Boomahnoomoonah, 3728 Boonah, 3235 Boorcan, 3265 Boorhaman, 3678 Boorhaman East, 3678 Boorhaman North, 3685 Boorolite, 3723 Boorool, 3953 Boort, 3537 Boosey, 3730 Boralma, 3682 Bornes Hill, 3379 Boronia, 3155 Borung, 3518 Bostocks Creek, 3260 Botanic Ridge, 3977 Boundary Bend, 3599 Bowenvale, 3465 Boweya, 3675 Boweya North, 3675 Bowmans Forest, 3735 Bowser, 3678 Box Hill, 3128 Box Hill North, 3129 Box Hill South, 3128 Boxwood, 3725 Bradford, 3463 Bradvale, 3361 Braeside, 3195 Brandy Creek, 3821 Branxholme, 3302 Bravington, 3821 Braybrook, 3019 Breakaway Creek, 3303 Breakwater, 3219 Breamlea, 3227 Brenanah, 3517 Brewster, 3352 Briagolong, 3860 Briar Hill, 3088 Bridge Creek, 3723 Bridgewater, 3516 Bridgewater North, 3516 Bridgewater On Loddon, 3516 Bright, 3741 Brighton, 3186 Brighton East, 3187 Brim, 3391 Brimboal, 3312 Brimin, 3685 Brimpaen, 3401 Bringalbert, 3319 Brit Brit, 3315 Broadford, 3658 Broadlands, 3875 Broadmeadows, 3047 Broadwater, 3301 Brodribb River, 3888 Broken Creek, 3673 Bromley, 3472 Brookfield, 3338 Brooklyn, 3012 Brookville, 3896 Broomfield, 3364 Broughton, 3418 Brown Hill, 3350 Browns Plains, 3685 Bruarong, 3749 Brucknell, 3268 Brumby, 3885 Brunswick, 3056 Brunswick East, 3057 Brunswick West, 3055 Bruthen, 3885 Buangor, 3375 Buchan, 3885 Buchan South, 3885 Buckland, 3740 Buckley, 3240 Buckley Swamp, 3301 Buckrabanyule, 3525 Budgee Budgee, 3862 Budgeree, 3870 Budgerum East, 3579 Buffalo, 3958 Buffalo River, 3737 Bulart, 3314 Buldah, 3890 Bulga, 3586 Bulgana, 3377 Bulla, 3428 Bullaharre, 3266 Bullarook, 3352 Bullarto, 3461 Bullarto South, 3461 Bulleen, 3105 Bullengarook, 3437 Bullioh, 3700 Bullumwaal, 3875 Buln Buln, 3821 Buln Buln East, 3821 Bumberrah, 3902 Bunbartha, 3634 Bundalaguah, 3851 Bundalong, 3730 Bundalong South, 3730 Bundara, 3898 Bunding, 3342 Bundoora, 3083 Bung Bong, 3465 Bungador, 3260 Bungal, 3334 Bungalally, 3401 Bungaree, 3352 Bungeet, 3726 Bungeet West, 3726 Bungil, 3691 Bunguluke, 3527 Buninyong, 3357 Bunkers Hill, 3352 Bunyip, 3815 Bunyip North, 3815 Buragwonduc, 3858 Burkes Bridge, 3568 Burkes Flat, 3475 Burnbank, 3371 Burnewang, 3558 Burnley, 3121 Burnside, 3023 Burnside Heights, 3023 Burramboot, 3559 Burramine, 3730 Burramine South, 3730 Burrowye, 3709 Burrumbeet, 3352 Burwood, 3125 Burwood East, 3151 Bushfield, 3281 Bushy Park, 3860 Butchers Ridge, 3885 Buxton, 3711 Byaduk, 3301 Byaduk North, 3300 Byawatha, 3678 Bylands, 3762 Byrneside, 3617 Cabarita, 3505 Cabbage Tree, 3364 Cabbage Tree Creek, 3889 Cadello, 3442 Cairnlea, 3023 Calder Park, 3037 Caldermeade, 3984 California Gully, 3556 Calivil, 3573 Callawadda, 3387 Callignee, 3844 Callignee North, 3844 Callignee South, 3844 Calrossie, 3971 Calulu, 3875 Cambarville, 3779 Camberwell, 3124 Cambrian Hill, 3352 Campbellfield, 3061 Campbells Bridge, 3387 Campbells Creek, 3451 Campbells Forest, 3556 Campbelltown, 3364 Camperdown, 3260 Canadian, 3350 Canary Island, 3537 Caniambo, 3630 Cann River, 3890 Cannie, 3540 Cannons Creek, 3977 Cannum, 3393 Canterbury, 3126 Cape Bridgewater, 3305 Cape Clear, 3351 Cape Conran, 3888 Cape Otway, 3233 Cape Paterson, 3995 Cape Schanck, 3939 Cape Woolamai, 3925 Capel Sound, 3940 Capels Crossing, 3579 Carag Carag, 3623 Caralulup, 3371 Caramut, 3274 Carapooee, 3477 Carapooee West, 3477 Carapook, 3312 Carboor, 3678 Cardigan, 3352 Cardigan Village, 3352 Cardinia, 3978 Cardross, 3496 Cargerie, 3334 Carina, 3512 Caringal, 3825 Carisbrook, 3464 Carlisle River, 3239 Carlsruhe, 3442 Carlton, 3053 Carlton North, 3054 Carlyle, 3685 Carnegie, 3163 Carngham, 3351 Caroline Springs, 3023 Carpendeit, 3260 Carrajung, 3844 Carrajung Lower, 3844 Carrajung South, 3844 Carranballac, 3361 Carron, 3480 Carrum, 3197 Carrum Downs, 3201 Carwarp, 3494 Cashmore, 3305 Cassilis, 3898 Castella, 3777 Casterton, 3311 Castle Creek, 3691 Castle Donnington, 3585 Castlemaine, 3450 Catani, 3981 Cathcart, 3377 Cathkin, 3714 Catumnal, 3537 Caulfield, 3162 Caulfield East, 3145 Caulfield North, 3161 Caulfield South, 3162 Caveat, 3660 Cavendish, 3314 Ceres, 3221 Chadstone, 3148 Chandlers Creek, 3890 Chapel Flat, 3352 Chapple Vale, 3239 Charam, 3318 Charlemont, 3217 Charleroi, 3695 Charlton, 3525 Chatsworth, 3379 Chelsea, 3196 Chelsea Heights, 3196 Cheltenham, 3192 Chepstowe, 3351 Cherokee, 3434 Cherrypool, 3401 Cheshunt, 3678 Cheshunt South, 3678 Chesney Vale, 3725 Chetwynd, 3312 Chewton, 3451 Chewton Bushlands, 3451 Childers, 3824 Chillingollah, 3585 Chiltern, 3683 Chiltern Valley, 3683 Chinangin, 3544 Chinkapook, 3546 Chintin, 3756 Chirnside Park, 3116 Chirrip, 3525 Chocolyn, 3260 Christmas Hills, 3775 Chum Creek, 3777 Churchill, 3842 Churchill Island, 3925 Chute, 3373 Clarendon, 3352 Claretown, 3352 Clarinda, 3169 Clarkefield, 3430 Clarkes Hill, 3352 Clayton, 3168 Clayton South, 3169 Clear Lake, 3409 Clematis, 3782 Clifton Creek, 3875 Clifton Hill, 3068 Clifton Springs, 3222 Clonbinane, 3658 Clover Flat, 3315 Cloverlea, 3822 Club Terrace, 3889 Clunes, 3370 Clyde, 3978 Clyde North, 3978 Clydebank, 3851 Clydesdale, 3461 Coalville, 3825 Cobains, 3851 Cobaw, 3442 Cobbannah, 3862 Cobberas, 3900 Cobblebank, 3338 Cobden, 3266 Cobram, 3644 Cobram East, 3644 Cobrico, 3266 Cobungra, 3898 Coburg, 3058 Coburg North, 3058 Cocamba, 3546 Cochranes Creek, 3475 Cockatoo, 3781 Cocoroc, 3030 Codrington, 3285 Coghills Creek, 3364 Cohuna, 3568 Coimadai, 3340 Cokum, 3542 Colac, 3250 Colac Colac, 3707 Colac East, 3250 Colac West, 3250 Colbinabbin, 3559 Colbrook, 3342 Coldstream, 3770 Coleraine, 3315 Colignan, 3494 Collingwood, 3066 Combienbar, 3889 Concongella, 3384 Condah, 3303 Condah Swamp, 3286 Congupna, 3633 Connewarre, 3227 Connewirricoo, 3318 Coojar, 3315 Coolaroo, 3048 Cooma, 3616 Coomboona, 3629 Coomoora, 3461 Coongulla, 3860 Coonooer Bridge, 3477 Coonooer West, 3477 Coopers Creek, 3825 Cooriemungle, 3268 Cope Cope, 3480 Cora Lynn, 3814 Corack, 3480 Corack East, 3480 Coragulac, 3249 Coral Bank, 3691 Corindhap, 3352 Corinella, 3984 Corio, 3214 Corndale, 3311 Cornella, 3551 Cornishtown, 3683 Coronet Bay, 3984 Corop, 3559 Cororooke, 3254 Corringle, 3888 Corryong, 3707 Corunnun, 3249 Cosgrove, 3631 Cosgrove South, 3631 Costerfield, 3523 Cotswold, 3465 Cottles Bridge, 3099 Cowa, 3862 Cowangie, 3506 Cowes, 3922 Cowleys Creek, 3268 Cowwarr, 3857 Craigie, 3465 Craigieburn, 3064 Cranbourne, 3977 Cranbourne East, 3977 Cranbourne North, 3977 Cranbourne South, 3977 Cranbourne West, 3977 Creek Junction, 3669 Creek View, 3551 Creightons Creek, 3666 Cremorne, 3121 Cressy, 3322 Creswick, 3363 Creswick North, 3363 Crib Point, 3919 Crookayan, 3858 Crooked River, 3862 Cross Roads, 3373 Crossley, 3283 Crossover, 3821 Crowlands, 3377 Croxton East, 3301 Croydon, 3136 Croydon Hills, 3136 Croydon North, 3136 Croydon South, 3136 Crymelon, 3393 Cudgee, 3265 Cudgewa, 3705 Culgoa, 3530 Culla, 3315 Cullen, 3568 Cullulleraine, 3496 Cundare, 3251 Cundare North, 3251 Curdies River, 3268 Curdievale, 3268 Curlewis, 3222 Curyo, 3483 Dadswells Bridge, 3385 Daisy Hill, 3465 Dales Creek, 3341 Dallas, 3047 Dalmore, 3981 Daltons Bridge, 3568 Dalyenong, 3477 Dalyston, 3992 Dandenong, 3175 Dandenong North, 3175 Dandenong South, 3175 Dandongadale, 3737 Dargo, 3862 Darley, 3340 Darlimurla, 3871 Darlington, 3271 Darnum, 3822 Darraweit Guim, 3756 Darriman, 3851 Dartmoor, 3304 Dartmouth, 3701 Dawson, 3858 Daylesford, 3460 Dean, 3363 Deans Marsh, 3235 Deanside, 3336 Deddick Valley, 3888 Dederang, 3691 Deep Lead, 3385 Deepdene, 3103 Deer Park, 3023 Delacombe, 3356 Delahey, 3037 Delatite, 3723 Delburn, 3871 Delegate River, 3888 Denicull Creek, 3377 Denison, 3858 Dennington, 3280 Denver, 3461 Deptford, 3875 Derby, 3516 Dereel, 3352 Dergholm, 3312 Derrimut, 3030 Derrinal, 3523 Derrinallum, 3325 Devenish, 3726 Devils River, 3714 Devon Meadows, 3977 Devon North, 3971 Dewhurst, 3808 Dhurringile, 3610 Diamond Creek, 3089 Digby, 3309 Diggers Rest, 3427 Diggora, 3561 Dimboola, 3414 Dingee, 3571 Dingley Village, 3172 Dingwall, 3579 Dinner Plain, 3898 Dixie, 3265 Dixons Creek, 3775 Dobie, 3377 Docker, 3678 Dockers Plains, 3678 Docklands, 3008 Doctors Flat, 3895 Dollar, 3871 Don Valley, 3139 Donald, 3480 Doncaster, 3108 Doncaster East, 3109 Donnybrook, 3064 Donvale, 3111 Dooboobetic, 3478 Dooen, 3401 Dookie, 3646 Dookie College, 3647 Doreen, 3754 Dorodong, 3312 Double Bridges, 3893 Douglas, 3409 Doveton, 3177 Dreeite, 3249 Dreeite South, 3249 Driffield, 3840 Drik Drik, 3304 Dromana, 3936 Dropmore, 3660 Drouin, 3818 Drouin East, 3818 Drouin South, 3818 Drouin West, 3818 Drumanure, 3636 Drumborg, 3304 Drumcondra, 3215 Drummartin, 3570 Drummond, 3461 Drummond North, 3446 Drung, 3401 Dry Diggings, 3461 Drysdale, 3222 Duchembegarra, 3409 Dumbalk, 3956 Dumbalk North, 3956 Dumosa, 3527 Dunach, 3371 Dundonnell, 3271 Dunkeld, 3294 Dunluce, 3472 Dunneworthy, 3377 Dunnstown, 3352 Dunolly, 3472 Dunrobin, 3312 Durdidwarrah, 3342 Durham Lead, 3352 Durham Ox, 3576 Dutson, 3851 Dutson Downs, 3851 Dutton Way, 3305 Duverney, 3323 Eagle Point, 3878 Eaglehawk, 3556 Eaglehawk North, 3556 Eaglemont, 3084 Earlston, 3669 East Bairnsdale, 3875 East Bendigo, 3550 East Geelong, 3219 East Melbourne, 3002 East Sale, 3852 East Wangaratta, 3678 East Warburton, 3799 Eastern View, 3231 Eastville, 3463 Eastwood, 3875 Ebden, 3691 Echuca, 3564 Echuca Village, 3564 Echuca West, 3564 Ecklin South, 3265 Eddington, 3472 Eden Park, 3757 Edenhope, 3318 Edgecombe, 3444 Edi, 3678 Edi Upper, 3678 Edithvale, 3196 Eganstown, 3461 Eildon, 3713 Elaine, 3334 Eldorado, 3746 Elevated Plains, 3461 Elingamite, 3266 Elingamite North, 3266 Elizabeth Island, 3921 Ellaswood, 3875 Ellerslie, 3265 Elliminyt, 3250 Ellinbank, 3821 Elmhurst, 3469 Elmore, 3558 Elphinstone, 3448 Elsternwick, 3185 Eltham, 3095 Eltham North, 3095 Elwood, 3184 Emerald, 3782 Emu, 3475 Emu Creek, 3551 Endeavour Hills, 3802 Enfield, 3352 Englefield, 3407 Enochs Point, 3723 Ensay, 3895 Ensay North, 3895 Eppalock, 3551 Epping, 3076 Epsom, 3551 Ercildoune, 3352 Erica, 3825 Errinundra, 3889 Eskdale, 3701 Esmond, 3730 Essendon, 3040 Essendon Fields, 3041 Essendon North, 3041 Essendon West, 3040 Eumemmerring, 3177 Eurack, 3251 Eureka, 3350 Euroa, 3666 Eurobin, 3739 Evansford, 3371 Eversley, 3377 Everton, 3678 Everton Upper, 3678 Exford, 3338 Eynesbury, 3338 Fairbank, 3951 Fairfield, 3078 Fairhaven, 3231 Fairley, 3579 Fairy Dell, 3561 Fairy Dell, 3875 Falls Creek, 3699 Faraday, 3451 Fawcett, 3714 Fawkner, 3060 Fentons Creek, 3518 Ferguson, 3237 Fern Hill, 3458 Fernbank, 3864 Ferndale, 3821 Fernihurst, 3518 Fernshaw, 3778 Ferntree Gully, 3156 Ferny Creek, 3786 Fieldstone, 3024 Fiery Flat, 3518 Fingal, 3939 Fish Creek, 3959 Fish Point, 3585 Fiskville, 3342 Fitzroy, 3065 Fitzroy North, 3068 Flaggy Creek, 3875 Flagstaff, 3465 Flamingo Beach, 3851 Flemington, 3031 Flinders, 3929 Flora Hill, 3550 Flowerdale, 3717 Flynn, 3844 Flynns Creek, 3844 Footscray, 3011 Forbes, 3764 Forest Hill, 3131 Forge Creek, 3875 Forrest, 3236 Foster, 3960 Foster North, 3960 Fosterville, 3557 Foxhow, 3323 Framlingham, 3265 Framlingham East, 3265 Franklinford, 3461 Frankston, 3199 Frankston North, 3200 Frankston South, 3199 Fraser Rise, 3335 Fraser Rise, 3336 Freeburgh, 3741 French Island, 3921 Frenchmans, 3384 Freshwater Creek, 3217 Fryerstown, 3451 Fulham, 3851 Fumina, 3825 Fumina South, 3825 Fyans Creek, 3381 Fyansford, 3218 Gaffneys Creek, 3723 Gainsborough, 3822 Gannawarra, 3568 Gapsted, 3737 Gardenvale, 3185 Garfield, 3814 Garfield North, 3814 Garibaldi, 3352 Garvoc, 3265 Gateway Island, 3691 Gatum, 3407 Gazette, 3289 Geelong, 3220 Geelong West, 3218 Gelantipy, 3885 Gellibrand, 3239 Gellibrand Lower, 3237 Gelliondale, 3971 Gembrook, 3783 Genoa, 3891 Gentle Annie, 3833 Georges Creek, 3700 Gerahmin, 3546 Gerang Gerung, 3418 Gerangamete, 3249 Germania, 3387 Germantown, 3741 Gerrigerrup, 3289 Gherang, 3240 Gheringhap, 3331 Ghin Ghin, 3717 Giffard, 3851 Giffard West, 3851 Gil Gil, 3480 Gilderoy, 3797 Gillieston, 3616 Gillum, 3858 Gipsy Point, 3891 Girgarre, 3624 Girgarre East, 3616 Gisborne, 3437 Gisborne South, 3437 Gladfield, 3575 Gladstone Park, 3043 Gladysdale, 3797 Glen Alvie, 3979 Glen Creek, 3691 Glen Forbes, 3990 Glen Huntly, 3163 Glen Iris, 3146 Glen Park, 3352 Glen Valley, 3898 Glen Waverley, 3150 Glen Wills, 3898 Glenaire, 3238 Glenaladale, 3864 Glenalbyn, 3517 Glenaroua, 3764 Glenbrae, 3352 Glenburn, 3717 Glendaruel, 3363 Glendonald, 3364 Glenfalloch, 3858 Glenfyne, 3266 Glengarry, 3854 Glengarry North, 3854 Glengarry West, 3854 Glengower, 3370 Glenhope, 3444 Glenhope East, 3522 Glenisla, 3314 Glenlee, 3418 Glenlofty, 3469 Glenlogie, 3469 Glenloth, 3527 Glenloth East, 3527 Glenluce, 3451 Glenlyon, 3461 Glenmaggie, 3858 Glenmore, 3340 Glenorchy, 3385 Glenormiston North, 3265 Glenormiston South, 3265 Glenpatrick, 3469 Glenrowan, 3675 Glenrowan West, 3675 Glenroy, 3046 Glenthompson, 3293 Glomar Beach, 3851 Gnarwarre, 3221 Gnotuk, 3260 Gobarup, 3559 Gobur, 3719 Golden Beach, 3851 Golden Gully, 3555 Golden Point, 3350 Golden Point, 3465 Golden Point, 3451 Golden Square, 3555 Goldie, 3435 Goldsborough, 3472 Gong Gong, 3352 Gonn Crossing, 3579 Goomalibee, 3673 Goon Nure, 3875 Goongerah, 3888 Gooram, 3666 Gooramadda, 3685 Goorambat, 3725 Goornong, 3557 Gooroc, 3477 Gorae, 3305 Gorae West, 3305 Gordon, 3345 Gormandale, 3873 Goroke, 3412 Goschen, 3585 Goughs Bay, 3723 Goulburn Weir, 3608 Gowanbrae, 3043 Gowanford, 3544 Gowangardie, 3669 Gowar East, 3477 Gower, 3463 Grahamvale, 3631 Grampians, 3314 Grand Ridge, 3870 Grangefields, 3335 Granite Flat, 3525 Granite Rock, 3875 Grantville, 3984 Granya, 3701 Grass Flat, 3409 Grassdale, 3302 Grassmere, 3281 Grays Bridge, 3477 Graytown, 3608 Gre Gre, 3477 Gre Gre North, 3477 Gre Gre South, 3477 Great Western, 3374 Gredgwin, 3537 Green Gully, 3462 Greendale, 3341 Greenhill, 3444 Greens Creek, 3387 Greensborough, 3088 Greenvale, 3059 Greenwald, 3304 Grenville, 3352 Greta, 3675 Greta South, 3675 Greta West, 3675 Grey River, 3234 Gringegalgona, 3315 Gritjurk, 3315 Grovedale, 3216 Gruyere, 3770 Guildford, 3451 Gunbower, 3566 Gundowring, 3691 Gunyah, 3960 Guys Forest, 3709 Guys Hill, 3807 Gymbowen, 3401 Haddon, 3351 Hadfield, 3046 Hallam, 3803 Hallora, 3818 Halls Gap, 3381 Hallston, 3953 Hamilton, 3300 Hamlyn Heights, 3215 Hampton, 3188 Hampton East, 3188 Hampton Park, 3976 Hansonville, 3675 Happy Valley, 3360 Happy Valley, 3549 Harcourt, 3453 Harcourt North, 3453 Harkaway, 3806 Harkness, 3337 Harmers Haven, 3995 Harrietville, 3741 Harrow, 3317 Harston, 3616 Hastings, 3915 Hattah, 3501 Havelock, 3465 Haven, 3401 Havilah, 3737 Hawkesdale, 3287 Hawkhurst, 3862 Hawthorn, 3122 Hawthorn East, 3123 Hazel Park, 3966 Hazelwood, 3840 Hazelwood North, 3840 Hazelwood South, 3840 Healesville, 3777 Heath Hill, 3981 Heathcote, 3523 Heathcote Junction, 3758 Heathcote South, 3523 Heatherton, 3202 Heathmere, 3305 Heathmont, 3135 Hedley, 3967 Heidelberg, 3084 Heidelberg Heights, 3081 Heidelberg West, 3081 Hensley Park, 3301 Henty, 3312 Hepburn, 3461 Hepburn Springs, 3461 Herne Hill, 3218 Hernes Oak, 3825 Hesket, 3442 Hesse, 3321 Hexham, 3273 Heyfield, 3858 Heytesbury Lower, 3268 Heywood, 3304 Hiamdale, 3847 Hiawatha, 3971 High Camp, 3764 Highett, 3190 Highlands, 3660 Highton, 3216 Hilgay, 3315 Hill End, 3825 Hillcrest, 3351 Hilldene, 3660 Hillside, 3875 Hillside, 3037 Hinnomunjie, 3898 Hmas Cerberus, 3920 Hoddles Creek, 3139 Hollands Landing, 3862 Homebush, 3465 Homerton, 3304 Homewood, 3717 Hopetoun, 3396 Hopetoun Park, 3340 Hoppers Crossing, 3029 Hordern Vale, 3238 Horfield, 3567 Horsham, 3400 Hotham Heights, 3741 Hotspur, 3303 Howes Creek, 3723 Howitt Plains, 3858 Howqua, 3723 Howqua Hills, 3723 Howqua Inlet, 3723 Hughesdale, 3166 Humevale, 3757 Hunter, 3558 Hunterston, 3971 Huntingdale, 3166 Huntly, 3551 Huntly North, 3551 Huon, 3695 Huon Creek, 3691 Hurstbridge, 3099 Icy Creek, 3833 Iguana Creek, 3875 Illabarook, 3351 Illawarra, 3381 Illowa, 3282 Indented Head, 3223 Indigo Valley, 3688 Inglewood, 3517 Ingliston, 3342 Inkerman, 3472 Invergordon, 3636 Inverleigh, 3321 Inverloch, 3996 Invermay, 3352 Invermay Park, 3350 Iona, 3815 Iraak, 3494 Irishtown, 3451 Ironbark, 3550 Irrewarra, 3249 Irrewillipe, 3249 Irrewillipe East, 3249 Irymple, 3498 Ivanhoe, 3079 Ivanhoe East, 3079 Jacana, 3047 Jack River, 3971 Jackass Flat, 3556 Jacob Creek, 3825 Jam Jerrup, 3984 Jamieson, 3723 Jan Juc, 3228 Jancourt, 3266 Jancourt East, 3266 Jarklin, 3517 Jarrahmond, 3888 Jarvis Creek, 3700 Jeeralang, 3840 Jeeralang Junction, 3840 Jeetho, 3945 Jeffcott, 3480 Jeffcott North, 3480 Jeparit, 3423 Jericho, 3825 Jeruk, 3527 Jil Jil, 3483 Jilpanger, 3409 Jindivick, 3818 Joel Joel, 3384 Joel South, 3384 Johanna, 3238 Johnsonville, 3902 Joyces Creek, 3364 Jumbuk, 3869 Jumbunna, 3951 Junction Village, 3977 Jung, 3401 Jungaburra, 3575 Junortoun, 3551 Kaarimba, 3635 Kadnook, 3318 Kalimna, 3909 Kalimna West, 3909 Kalkallo, 3064 Kalkee, 3401 Kallista, 3791 Kalorama, 3766 Kalpienung, 3529 Kamarooka, 3570 Kamarooka North, 3571 Kanagulk, 3401 Kancoona, 3691 Kangaroo Flat, 3555 Kangaroo Ground, 3097 Kaniva, 3419 Kanumbra, 3719 Kanya, 3387 Kanyapella, 3564 Karabeal, 3294 Kardella, 3951 Kardella South, 3950 Kariah, 3260 Karnak, 3401 Karramomus, 3631 Karyrie, 3483 Katamatite, 3649 Katamatite East, 3649 Katandra, 3634 Katandra West, 3634 Katunga, 3640 Kawarren, 3249 Kealba, 3021 Keely, 3568 Keilor, 3036 Keilor Downs, 3038 Keilor East, 3033 Keilor Lodge, 3038 Keilor North, 3036 Keilor Park, 3042 Kellalac, 3393 Kelvin View, 3666 Kenley, 3597 Kenmare, 3395 Kennedys Creek, 3239 Kennett River, 3234 Kennington, 3550 Kensington, 3031 Kerang, 3579 Kerang East, 3579 Kergunyah, 3691 Kergunyah South, 3691 Kernot, 3979 Kerrie, 3434 Kerrisdale, 3660 Kevington, 3723 Kew, 3101 Kew East, 3102 Kewell, 3390 Keysborough, 3173 Kialla, 3631 Kialla East, 3631 Kialla West, 3631 Kiata, 3418 Kiewa, 3691 Kilcunda, 3995 Killara, 3312 Killara, 3691 Killarney, 3283 Killawarra, 3678 Killingworth, 3717 Kilmany, 3851 Kilmore, 3764 Kilmore East, 3764 Kilsyth, 3137 Kilsyth South, 3137 Kimbolton, 3551 King Valley, 3678 Kinglake, 3763 Kinglake Central, 3757 Kinglake West, 3757 Kingower, 3517 Kings Park, 3021 Kingsbury, 3083 Kingston, 3364 Kingsville, 3012 Kinnabulla, 3483 Kinypanial, 3520 Kirkstall, 3283 Kirwans Bridge, 3608 Kithbrook, 3666 Knebsworth, 3286 Knockwood, 3723 Knowsley, 3523 Knoxfield, 3180 Koallah, 3260 Koetong, 3704 Kolora, 3265 Kongwak, 3951 Konongwootong, 3315 Koo Wee Rup, 3981 Koo Wee Rup North, 3981 Kooloonong, 3597 Koonda, 3669 Koondrook, 3580 Koonoomoo, 3644 Koonwarra, 3954 Kooreh, 3477 Koorlong, 3501 Koornalla, 3844 Kooroocheang, 3364 Koorool, 3860 Koorooman, 3953 Kooyong, 3144 Koriella, 3714 Korobeit, 3341 Koroit, 3282 Korong Vale, 3520 Koroop, 3579 Korumburra, 3950 Korumburra South, 3950 Korweinguboora, 3461 Kotta, 3565 Kotupna, 3638 Koyuga, 3622 Krowera, 3945 Kulwin, 3490 Kunat, 3585 Kurraca, 3518 Kurraca West, 3518 Kurting, 3517 Kurunjang, 3337 Kyabram, 3620 Kyabram South, 3620 Kyneton, 3444 Kyneton South, 3444 Kyvalley, 3621 Laanecoorie, 3463 Laang, 3265 Labertouche, 3816 Laceby, 3678 Ladys Pass, 3523 Laen, 3480 Laen East, 3480 Laen North, 3480 Lah, 3393 Laharum, 3401 Lake Boga, 3584 Lake Bolac, 3351 Lake Bunga, 3909 Lake Charm, 3581 Lake Condah, 3303 Lake Eildon, 3713 Lake Eppalock, 3551 Lake Fyans, 3381 Lake Gardens, 3355 Lake Goldsmith, 3373 Lake Lonsdale, 3381 Lake Marmal, 3525 Lake Meran, 3579 Lake Mundi, 3312 Lake Powell, 3597 Lake Rowan, 3727 Lake Tyers, 3887 Lake Tyers Beach, 3909 Lake Tyrrell, 3533 Lake Wellington, 3851 Lake Wendouree, 3350 Lake Wongan, 3373 Lakes Entrance, 3909 Lal Lal, 3352 Lalbert, 3542 Lalor, 3075 Lamplough, 3352 Lancaster, 3620 Lance Creek, 3995 Lancefield, 3435 Landsborough, 3384 Landsborough West, 3384 Lang Lang, 3984 Lang Lang East, 3984 Langdons Hill, 3363 Langi Kal Kal, 3352 Langi Logan, 3377 Langkoop, 3318 Langley, 3444 Langsborough, 3971 Langwarrin, 3910 Langwarrin South, 3911 Lara, 3212 Lardner, 3821 Larpent, 3249 Larralea, 3325 Lascelles, 3487 Launching Place, 3139 Lauriston, 3444 Lavers Hill, 3238 Laverton, 3028 Laverton North, 3026 Lawler, 3480 Lawloit, 3418 Lawrence, 3364 Leaghur, 3537 Learmonth, 3352 Ledcourt, 3385 Leichardt, 3516 Leigh Creek, 3352 Leitchville, 3567 Lemnos, 3631 Leneva, 3691 Leonards Hill, 3461 Leongatha, 3953 Leongatha North, 3953 Leongatha South, 3953 Leopold, 3224 Lerderderg, 3458 Leslie Manor, 3260 Lethbridge, 3332 Lexton, 3352 Licola, 3858 Licola North, 3858 Lillico, 3820 Lillicur, 3371 Lillimur, 3420 Lilliput, 3682 Lilydale, 3140 Lima, 3673 Lima East, 3673 Lima South, 3673 Limestone, 3717 Lindenow, 3865 Lindenow South, 3875 Lindsay, 3312 Lindsay Point, 3496 Linga, 3509 Linton, 3360 Liparoo, 3549 Lismore, 3324 Litchfield, 3480 Little Desert, 3418 Little Hampton, 3458 Little River, 3211 Llanelly, 3551 Llowalong, 3862 Loch, 3945 Loch Sport, 3851 Loch Valley, 3833 Lockington, 3563 Locksley, 3665 Lockwood, 3551 Lockwood South, 3551 Loddon Vale, 3575 Logan, 3475 Londrigan, 3678 Long Forest, 3340 Long Gully, 3550 Longerenong, 3401 Longford, 3851 Longlea, 3551 Longwarry, 3816 Longwarry North, 3816 Longwood, 3665 Longwood East, 3666 Lorne, 3232 Lorquon, 3418 Lovely Banks, 3213 Lower Moira, 3639 Lower Norton, 3401 Lower Plenty, 3093 Loy Yang, 3844 Lubeck, 3385 Lucas, 3350 Lucknow, 3875 Lucyvale, 3691 Lurg, 3673 Lyal, 3444 Lynbrook, 3975 Lyndhurst, 3975 Lyons, 3304 Lyonville, 3461 Lysterfield, 3156 Lysterfield South, 3156 Macarthur, 3286 Macclesfield, 3782 Macedon, 3440 Macks Creek, 3971 Macleod, 3085 Macorna, 3579 Macorna North, 3568 Macs Cove, 3723 Madalya, 3971 Maddingley, 3340 Mafeking, 3379 Maffra, 3860 Maffra West Upper, 3859 Magpie, 3352 Maiden Gully, 3551 Maidstone, 3012 Mailors Flat, 3275 Main Lead, 3373 Main Ridge, 3928 Maindample, 3723 Maintongoon, 3714 Major Plains, 3725 Majorca, 3465 Maldon, 3463 Mallacoota, 3892 Malmsbury, 3446 Malvern, 3144 Malvern East, 3145 Mambourin, 3024 Manangatang, 3546 Mandurang, 3551 Mandurang South, 3551 Mangalore, 3663 Manifold Heights, 3218 Mannerim, 3222 Mannibadar, 3360 Manns Beach, 3971 Manor Lakes, 3024 Manorina, 3889 Mansfield, 3722 Maramingo Creek, 3891 Marcus Hill, 3222 Mardan, 3953 Marengo, 3233 Maribyrnong, 3032 Marionvale, 3634 Markwood, 3678 Marlbed, 3483 Marlo, 3888 Marnoo, 3387 Marnoo East, 3477 Marnoo West, 3387 Marong, 3515 Maroona, 3377 Marraweeney, 3669 Marshall, 3216 Marthavale, 3875 Marungi, 3634 Maryborough, 3465 Maryknoll, 3812 Marysville, 3779 Maryvale, 3840 Massey, 3482 Matlock, 3723 Maude, 3331 Mccrae, 3938 Mcintyre, 3472 Mckenzie Creek, 3401 Mckenzie Hill, 3451 Mckinnon, 3204 Mcloughlins Beach, 3874 Mcmahons Creek, 3799 Mcmillans, 3568 Mead, 3568 Meadow Creek, 3678 Meadow Heights, 3048 Meatian, 3585 Meeniyan, 3956 Meering West, 3579 Meerlieu, 3862 Melbourne, 3000 Melbourne, 3004 Melbourne Airport, 3045 Melton, 3337 Melton South, 3338 Melton West, 3337 Melville Forest, 3315 Melwood, 3875 Mena Park, 3373 Mentone, 3194 Menzies Creek, 3159 Mepunga, 3277 Mepunga East, 3277 Mepunga West, 3277 Merbein, 3505 Merbein South, 3505 Merbein West, 3505 Meredith, 3333 Meringur, 3496 Merino, 3310 Mernda, 3754 Merriang, 3737 Merriang South, 3737 Merricks, 3916 Merricks Beach, 3926 Merricks North, 3926 Merrigum, 3618 Merrijig, 3875 Merrijig, 3723 Merrimu, 3340 Merrinee, 3496 Merton, 3715 Metcalfe, 3448 Metcalfe East, 3444 Metung, 3904 Mia Mia, 3444 Mickleham, 3064 Middle Creek, 3375 Middle Park, 3206 Middle Tarwin, 3956 Miepoll, 3666 Miga Lake, 3409 Milawa, 3678 Mildura, 3500 Mill Park, 3082 Millbrook, 3352 Millgrove, 3799 Milloo, 3572 Milltown, 3304 Milnes Bridge, 3579 Mincha, 3575 Mincha West, 3568 Miners Rest, 3352 Mingay, 3324 Minhamite, 3287 Minimay, 3413 Mininera, 3351 Minjah, 3276 Minmindie, 3537 Minyip, 3392 Miowera, 3862 Miralie, 3596 Miram, 3415 Mirboo, 3871 Mirboo North, 3871 Mirranatwa, 3294 Mitcham, 3132 Mitchell Park, 3355 Mitchellstown, 3608 Mitiamo, 3573 Mitre, 3409 Mitta Mitta, 3701 Mittyack, 3490 Mockinya, 3401 Modella, 3816 Modewarre, 3240 Moe, 3825 Moe South, 3825 Moggs Creek, 3231 Moglonemby, 3666 Mokepilly, 3381 Molesworth, 3718 Moliagul, 3472 Molka, 3666 Mollongghip, 3352 Mologa, 3575 Molyullah, 3673 Monbulk, 3793 Monegeetta, 3433 Mongans Bridge, 3691 Monomak, 3860 Monomeith, 3984 Mont Albert, 3127 Mont Albert North, 3129 Montgomery, 3851 Montmorency, 3094 Montrose, 3765 Moolap, 3224 Moolerr, 3477 Moolort, 3465 Moonambel, 3478 Moondarra, 3825 Moonee Ponds, 3039 Moonlight Flat, 3450 Moonlight Flat, 3465 Moora, 3612 Moorabbin, 3189 Moorabbin Airport, 3194 Moorabool, 3213 Mooralla, 3314 Moorilim, 3610 Moormbool West, 3523 Moornapa, 3862 Moorngag, 3673 Moorooduc, 3933 Mooroolbark, 3138 Mooroopna, 3629 Mooroopna North, 3629 Mooroopna North West, 3616 Moranding, 3764 Mordialloc, 3195 Morgiana, 3301 Moriac, 3240 Mornington, 3931 Moroka, 3860 Morrisons, 3334 Morrl Morrl, 3387 Mortlake, 3272 Morton Plains, 3482 Morwell, 3840 Mossiface, 3885 Mount Alfred, 3709 Mount Beauty, 3699 Mount Beckworth, 3363 Mount Best, 3960 Mount Bolton, 3352 Mount Bruno, 3675 Mount Buffalo, 3740 Mount Buller, 3723 Mount Burnett, 3781 Mount Bute, 3324 Mount Camel, 3523 Mount Cameron, 3370 Mount Clear, 3350 Mount Cole, 3377 Mount Cole Creek, 3377 Mount Cottrell, 3024 Mount Dandenong, 3767 Mount Doran, 3334 Mount Dryden, 3381 Mount Duneed, 3217 Mount Eccles, 3953 Mount Eccles South, 3953 Mount Egerton, 3352 Mount Eliza, 3930 Mount Emu, 3351 Mount Evelyn, 3796 Mount Franklin, 3461 Mount Glasgow, 3371 Mount Helen, 3350 Mount Hooghly, 3472 Mount Lonarch, 3468 Mount Macedon, 3441 Mount Major, 3646 Mount Martha, 3934 Mount Mercer, 3352 Mount Moriac, 3240 Mount Napier, 3301 Mount Pleasant, 3350 Mount Prospect, 3364 Mount Richmond, 3305 Mount Rowan, 3352 Mount Sabine, 3236 Mount Tassie, 3844 Mount Taylor, 3875 Mount Toolebewong, 3777 Mount Wallace, 3342 Mount Waverley, 3149 Mountain Bay, 3723 Mountain View, 3988 Moutajup, 3294 Moyarra, 3951 Moyhu, 3732 Moyreisk, 3477 Moyston, 3377 Muckatah, 3644 Muckleford, 3451 Muckleford South, 3462 Mudgegonga, 3737 Mulgrave, 3170 Mumbannar, 3304 Mundoona, 3635 Munro, 3862 Muntham, 3315 Murchison, 3610 Murchison East, 3610 Murchison North, 3610 Murgheboluc, 3218 Murmungee, 3747 Murnungin, 3544 Murphys Creek, 3551 Murra Warra, 3401 Murrabit, 3579 Murrabit West, 3579 Murrawee, 3586 Murray-Sunset, 3490 Murraydale, 3586 Murrayville, 3512 Murrindal, 3885 Murrindindi, 3717 Murroon, 3243 Murrumbeena, 3163 Murtoa, 3390 Musk, 3461 Musk Vale, 3461 Muskerry, 3557 Myall, 3533 Myall, 3579 Myamyn, 3304 Myers Flat, 3556 Myola, 3551 Myrniong, 3341 Myrrhee, 3732 Myrtle Creek, 3551 Myrtlebank, 3851 Myrtleford, 3737 Mysia, 3518 Mystic Park, 3579 Mywee, 3641 Nagambie, 3608 Nalangil, 3249 Nalinga, 3646 Nambrok, 3847 Nandaly, 3533 Nangana, 3781 Nangeela, 3312 Nangiloc, 3494 Nanneella, 3561 Nap Nap Marra, 3860 Napoleons, 3352 Nar Nar Goon, 3812 Nar Nar Goon North, 3812 Narbethong, 3778 Nareeb, 3293 Nareen, 3315 Nareewillock, 3525 Nariel Valley, 3707 Naring, 3636 Naringal, 3277 Naringal East, 3277 Naroghid, 3266 Narracan, 3824 Narraport, 3483 Narrapumelap South, 3293 Narrawong, 3285 Narre Warren, 3805 Narre Warren East, 3804 Narre Warren North, 3804 Narre Warren South, 3805 Narrung, 3597 Nathalia, 3638 Natimuk, 3409 Natte Yallock, 3465 Natya, 3597 Navarre, 3384 Navigators, 3352 Nayook, 3832 Neds Corner, 3496 Neereman, 3463 Neerim, 3831 Neerim East, 3831 Neerim Junction, 3832 Neerim North, 3832 Neerim South, 3831 Neilborough, 3570 Nelse, 3699 Nelson, 3292 Nerrena, 3953 Nerrin Nerrin, 3351 Nerrina, 3350 Nerring, 3373 Netherby, 3418 Neuarpurr, 3413 New Gisborne, 3438 Newborough, 3825 Newbridge, 3551 Newbury, 3458 Newcomb, 3219 Newfield, 3268 Newham, 3442 Newhaven, 3925 Newington, 3350 Newlands Arm, 3875 Newlyn, 3364 Newlyn North, 3364 Newmerella, 3886 Newport, 3015 Newry, 3859 Newstead, 3462 Newtown, 3220 Newtown, 3351 Nhill, 3418 Nichols Point, 3501 Nicholson, 3882 Niddrie, 3042 Nilma, 3821 Nilma North, 3821 Ninda, 3533 Nine Mile, 3518 Nintingbool, 3351 Ninyeunook, 3527 Nirranda, 3268 Nirranda East, 3268 Nirranda South, 3268 Noble Park, 3174 Noble Park North, 3174 Noojee, 3833 Noorat, 3265 Noorat East, 3265 Noorinbee, 3890 Noorinbee North, 3890 Noradjuha, 3409 Norlane, 3214 Normanville, 3579 Norong, 3682 North Bendigo, 3550 North Blackwood, 3458 North Geelong, 3215 North Melbourne, 3051 North Shore, 3214 North Wangaratta, 3678 North Warrandyte, 3113 North Wonthaggi, 3995 Northcote, 3070 Northwood, 3660 Norval, 3377 Notting Hill, 3168 Nowa Nowa, 3887 Nowhere Creek, 3469 Nowie, 3585 Nug Nug, 3737 Nuggetty, 3463 Nulla Vale, 3435 Nullawarre, 3268 Nullawarre North, 3268 Nullawil, 3529 Numurkah, 3636 Nunawading, 3131 Nungurner, 3909 Nunniong, 3896 Nurcoung, 3401 Nurrabiel, 3401 Nurran, 3888 Nutfield, 3099 Nyah, 3594 Nyah West, 3595 Nyarrin, 3533 Nyerimilang, 3909 Nyora, 3987 Nyrraby, 3585 Oak Park, 3046 Oaklands Junction, 3063 Oakleigh, 3166 Oakleigh East, 3166 Oakleigh South, 3167 Oakvale, 3540 Ocean Grange, 3880 Ocean Grove, 3226 Officer, 3809 Officer South, 3809 Old Tallangatta, 3701 Olinda, 3788 Ombersley, 3241 Omeo, 3898 Omeo Valley, 3898 Ondit, 3249 Orbost, 3888 Orford, 3284 Ormond, 3204 Orrvale, 3631 Osbornes Flat, 3691 Outtrim, 3951 Ouyen, 3490 Ovens, 3738 Oxley, 3678 Oxley Flats, 3678 Ozenkadnook, 3413 Paaratte, 3268 Painswick, 3551 Pakenham, 3810 Pakenham South, 3810 Pakenham Upper, 3810 Panitya, 3512 Panmure, 3265 Panton Hill, 3759 Paradise, 3477 Paradise Beach, 3851 Paraparap, 3240 Park Orchards, 3114 Parkdale, 3195 Parkville, 3052 Parwan, 3340 Paschendale, 3315 Pascoe Vale, 3044 Pascoe Vale South, 3044 Pastoria, 3444 Pastoria East, 3444 Patchewollock, 3491 Patho, 3564 Patterson Lakes, 3197 Patyah, 3318 Paynesville, 3880 Pearcedale, 3912 Pearsondale, 3851 Peechelba, 3678 Peechelba East, 3678 Pelluebla, 3727 Pennyroyal, 3235 Penshurst, 3289 Pental Island, 3586 Pentland Hills, 3341 Percydale, 3478 Peronne, 3413 Perry Bridge, 3862 Peterborough, 3270 Petticoat Creek, 3233 Pheasant Creek, 3757 Piangil, 3597 Picola, 3639 Picola West, 3639 Piedmont, 3833 Pier Milan, 3533 Pigeon Ponds, 3407 Piggoreet, 3351 Pimpinio, 3401 Pine Grove, 3573 Pine Lodge, 3631 Pine Mountain, 3709 Pine View, 3579 Pioneer Bay, 3984 Pipers Creek, 3444 Pira, 3585 Piries, 3723 Pirron Yallock, 3249 Pitfield, 3351 Pittong, 3360 Plenty, 3090 Plumpton, 3335 Point Cook, 3030 Point Leo, 3916 Point Lonsdale, 3225 Point Wilson, 3212 Polisbet, 3585 Pomborneit, 3260 Pomborneit East, 3249 Pomborneit North, 3260 Pomonal, 3381 Pompapiel, 3571 Poolaijelo, 3312 Pootilla, 3352 Poowong, 3988 Poowong East, 3988 Poowong North, 3988 Porcupine Ridge, 3461 Porepunkah, 3740 Port Albert, 3971 Port Campbell, 3269 Port Fairy, 3284 Port Franklin, 3964 Port Melbourne, 3207 Port Welshpool, 3965 Portarlington, 3223 Portland, 3305 Portland North, 3305 Portland West, 3305 Portsea, 3944 Pound Creek, 3996 Powelltown, 3797 Powers Creek, 3312 Powlett Plains, 3517 Prahran, 3181 Prairie, 3572 Pranjip, 3666 Preston, 3072 Princes Hill, 3054 Princetown, 3269 Puckapunyal, 3662 Pura Pura, 3271 Purdeet, 3289 Purnim, 3278 Purnim West, 3278 Pyalong, 3521 Pyramid Hill, 3575 Quambatook, 3540 Quandong, 3030 Quantong, 3401 Quarry Hill, 3550 Queenscliff, 3225 Queensferry, 3984 Raglan, 3373 Rainbow, 3424 Ranceby, 3951 Rathscar, 3465 Rathscar West, 3465 Ravenhall, 3023 Ravenswood, 3453 Ravenswood South, 3453 Rawson, 3825 Raymond Island, 3880 Raywood, 3570 Red Cliffs, 3496 Red Hill, 3937 Red Hill South, 3937 Red Lion, 3371 Redan, 3350 Redbank, 3477 Redcastle, 3523 Redesdale, 3444 Reedy Creek, 3658 Reedy Dam, 3395 Reedy Flat, 3895 Reedy Lake, 3579 Reefton, 3799 Research, 3095 Reservoir, 3073 Reynard, 3858 Rheola, 3517 Rhyll, 3923 Rhymney, 3377 Riachella, 3385 Rich Avon, 3480 Rich Avon East, 3480 Rich Avon West, 3480 Richmond, 3121 Richmond Plains, 3518 Riddells Creek, 3431 Riggs Creek, 3666 Ringwood, 3134 Ringwood East, 3135 Ringwood North, 3134 Ripplebrook, 3818 Rippleside, 3215 Ripponlea, 3185 Riverside, 3401 Riverslea, 3860 Robertsons Beach, 3971 Robinvale, 3549 Rochester, 3561 Rochford, 3442 Rockbank, 3335 Rocklands, 3401 Rocklyn, 3364 Rocky Point, 3377 Rokeby, 3821 Rokewood, 3330 Rokewood Junction, 3351 Romsey, 3434 Rosanna, 3084 Rose River, 3678 Rosebery, 3395 Rosebrook, 3285 Rosebud, 3939 Rosedale, 3847 Roses Gap, 3385 Rosewhite, 3737 Roslynmead, 3564 Ross Creek, 3351 Rossbridge, 3377 Rostron, 3477 Rowsley, 3340 Rowville, 3178 Roxburgh Park, 3064 Rubicon, 3712 Ruby, 3953 Ruffy, 3666 Running Creek, 3691 Runnymede, 3558 Rupanyup, 3388 Rushworth, 3612 Russells Bridge, 3331 Rutherglen, 3685 Ryans, 3875 Ryanston, 3992 Rye, 3941 Rythdale, 3810 Safety Beach, 3936 Sailors Falls, 3461 Sailors Gully, 3556 Sailors Hill, 3461 Sale, 3850 Salisbury West, 3517 Samaria, 3673 San Remo, 3925 Sandford, 3312 Sandhill Lake, 3579 Sandhurst, 3977 Sandon, 3462 Sandringham, 3191 Sandy Creek, 3695 Sandy Point, 3959 Sargood, 3858 Sarsfield, 3875 Sassafras, 3787 Sawmill Settlement, 3723 Scarsdale, 3351 Scoresby, 3179 Scotchmans Lead, 3352 Scotsburn, 3352 Scotts Creek, 3267 Sea Lake, 3533 Seabrook, 3028 Seacombe, 3851 Seaford, 3198 Seaholme, 3018 Seaspray, 3851 Seaton, 3858 Seaview, 3821 Sebastian, 3556 Sebastopol, 3356 Seddon, 3011 Sedgwick, 3551 Selby, 3159 Selwyn, 3737 Separation Creek, 3234 Serpentine, 3517 Serviceton, 3420 Seville, 3139 Seville East, 3139 Seymour, 3660 Shady Creek, 3821 Shannonvale, 3898 Shays Flat, 3377 She Oaks, 3331 Sheans Creek, 3666 Sheep Hills, 3392 Shelbourne, 3515 Shelford, 3329 Shelley, 3701 Shepherds Flat, 3461 Shepparton, 3630 Shepparton East, 3631 Shepparton North, 3631 Sherbrooke, 3789 Shoreham, 3916 Sidonia, 3444 Silvan, 3795 Silverleaves, 3922 Simpson, 3266 Simpsons Creek, 3888 Simson, 3465 Skenes Creek, 3233 Skenes Creek North, 3233 Skibo, 3260 Skinners Flat, 3518 Skipton, 3361 Skye, 3977 Slaty Creek, 3477 Smeaton, 3364 Smiths Beach, 3922 Smiths Gully, 3760 Smokeytown, 3364 Smoko, 3741 Smythes Creek, 3351 Smythesdale, 3351 Snake Island, 3971 Snake Valley, 3351 Soldiers Hill, 3350 Somers, 3927 Somerton, 3062 Somerville, 3912 Sorrento, 3943 South Dudley, 3995 South Geelong, 3220 South Kingsville, 3015 South Melbourne, 3205 South Morang, 3752 South Purrumbete, 3260 South Wharf, 3006 South Yarra, 3141 Southbank, 3006 Southern Cross, 3283 Spargo Creek, 3461 Speed, 3488 Speewa, 3585 Spotswood, 3015 Spring Gully, 3550 Spring Hill, 3444 Springbank, 3352 Springdallah, 3351 Springfield, 3434 Springfield, 3544 Springhurst, 3682 Springmount, 3364 Springvale, 3171 Springvale South, 3172 St Albans, 3021 St Albans Park, 3219 St Andrews, 3761 St Andrews Beach, 3941 St Arnaud, 3478 St Arnaud East, 3477 St Arnaud North, 3477 St Clair, 3995 St Germains, 3620 St Helena, 3088 St Helens, 3285 St Helens Plains, 3401 St James, 3727 St Kilda, 3182 St Kilda East, 3183 St Kilda West, 3182 St Leonards, 3223 Staceys Bridge, 3971 Staffordshire Reef, 3351 Staghorn Flat, 3691 Stanhope, 3623 Stanhope South, 3623 Stanley, 3747 Staughton Vale, 3340 Stavely, 3379 Stawell, 3380 Steels Creek, 3775 Steiglitz, 3331 Stewarton, 3725 Stirling, 3893 Stockdale, 3862 Stockyard Hill, 3373 Stonehaven, 3218 Stoneleigh, 3373 Stony Creek, 3957 Stony Creek, 3371 Stonyford, 3260 Stradbroke, 3851 Strangways, 3461 Straten, 3533 Stratford, 3862 Strath Creek, 3658 Strathallan, 3622 Strathbogie, 3666 Strathdale, 3550 Strathdownie, 3312 Strathewen, 3099 Strathfieldsaye, 3551 Strathkellar, 3301 Strathlea, 3364 Strathmerton, 3641 Strathmore, 3041 Strathmore Heights, 3041 Strathtulloh, 3338 Streatham, 3351 Strzelecki, 3950 Stuart Mill, 3477 Sugarloaf, 3234 Sugarloaf Creek, 3658 Suggan Buggan, 3885 Sulky, 3352 Summerlands, 3922 Sunbury, 3429 Sunday Creek, 3658 Sunderland Bay, 3922 Sunset Strip, 3922 Sunshine, 3020 Sunshine North, 3020 Sunshine West, 3020 Surf Beach, 3922 Surrey Hills, 3127 Sutherland, 3477 Sutherlands Creek, 3331 Sutton, 3530 Sutton Grange, 3448 Swan Bay, 3225 Swan Hill, 3585 Swan Hill West, 3585 Swan Island, 3225 Swan Marsh, 3249 Swan Reach, 3903 Swanpool, 3673 Swanwater, 3477 Swanwater West, 3480 Swifts Creek, 3896 Sydenham, 3037 Sylvaterre, 3575 Tabberabbera, 3875 Tabilk, 3607 Tabor, 3289 Taggerty, 3714 Tahara, 3301 Tahara Bridge, 3315 Tahara West, 3310 Talbot, 3371 Talgarno, 3691 Tallandoon, 3701 Tallangatta, 3700 Tallangatta East, 3700 Tallangatta South, 3701 Tallangatta Valley, 3701 Tallarook, 3659 Tallygaroopna, 3634 Tambo Crossing, 3893 Tambo Upper, 3885 Tamboon, 3890 Tamboritha, 3858 Taminick, 3675 Tamleugh, 3669 Tamleugh North, 3669 Tandarook, 3260 Tandarra, 3571 Tangambalanga, 3691 Tanjil, 3825 Tanjil Bren, 3833 Tanjil South, 3825 Tantaraboo, 3764 Tanwood, 3478 Tanybryn, 3249 Taradale, 3447 Tarcombe, 3666 Tarilta, 3451 Tarnagulla, 3551 Tarneit, 3029 Tarnook, 3670 Taroon, 3265 Tarra Valley, 3971 Tarranyurk, 3414 Tarraville, 3971 Tarrawarra, 3775 Tarrawingee, 3678 Tarrayoukyan, 3315 Tarrengower, 3463 Tarrenlea, 3315 Tarrington, 3301 Tarrone, 3283 Tarwin, 3956 Tarwin Lower, 3956 Tatong, 3673 Tatura, 3616 Tatura East, 3616 Tatyoon, 3378 Tawonga, 3697 Tawonga South, 3698 Taylor Bay, 3713 Taylors Hill, 3037 Taylors Lakes, 3038 Teal Point, 3579 Tecoma, 3160 Teddywaddy, 3527 Teddywaddy West, 3527 Teesdale, 3328 Telangatuk East, 3401 Telford, 3730 Telopea Downs, 3420 Templestowe, 3106 Templestowe Lower, 3107 Tempy, 3489 Tenby Point, 3984 Tennyson, 3572 Terang, 3264 Terip Terip, 3719 Terrappee, 3525 Terrick Terrick, 3575 Terrick Terrick East, 3573 Tesbury, 3260 Tetoora Road, 3821 Thalia, 3527 Thalloo, 3825 the Basin, 3154 the Cove, 3268 the Gurdies, 3984 the Heart, 3851 the Honeysuckles, 3851 the Patch, 3792 the Sisters, 3265 Thologolong, 3691 Thomastown, 3074 Thomson, 3825 Thomson, 3219 Thoona, 3726 Thornbury, 3071 Thornhill Park, 3335 Thornton, 3712 Thorpdale, 3835 Thorpdale South, 3824 Thowgla Valley, 3707 Three Bridges, 3797 Tidal River, 3960 Timbarra, 3885 Timboon, 3268 Timboon West, 3268 Timmering, 3561 Timor, 3465 Timor West, 3465 Tinamba, 3859 Tinamba West, 3859 Tintaldra, 3708 Tittybong, 3542 Tol Tol, 3549 Tolmie, 3723 Tom Groggin, 3707 Tongala, 3621 Tonghi Creek, 3890 Tongio, 3896 Tonimbuk, 3815 Tooan, 3409 Tooborac, 3522 Toolamba, 3614 Toolamba West, 3614 Toolangi, 3777 Toolern Vale, 3337 Toolleen, 3551 Toolome, 3860 Toolondo, 3401 Toolong, 3285 Toombon, 3825 Toongabbie, 3856 Toora, 3962 Toora North, 3962 Tooradin, 3980 Toorak, 3142 Toorloo Arm, 3909 Toorongo, 3833 Tootgarook, 3941 Torquay, 3228 Torrita, 3490 Torrumbarry, 3562 Torwood, 3821 Tostaree, 3888 Tottenham, 3012 Tottington, 3477 Tourello, 3363 Towan, 3596 Towaninny, 3527 Towaninny South, 3527 Tower Hill, 3283 Towong, 3707 Towong Upper, 3707 Trafalgar, 3824 Trafalgar East, 3824 Trafalgar South, 3824 Tragowel, 3579 Traralgon, 3844 Traralgon East, 3844 Traralgon South, 3844 Travancore, 3032 Trawalla, 3373 Trawool, 3660 Traynors Lagoon, 3477 Tremont, 3785 Trentham, 3458 Trentham East, 3458 Tresco, 3583 Tresco West, 3584 Trida, 3953 Truganina, 3029 Tubbut, 3888 Tuerong, 3915 Tulkara, 3384 Tullamarine, 3043 Tungamah, 3728 Turoar, 3546 Turriff, 3488 Turriff East, 3488 Turtons Creek, 3960 Tutye, 3490 Tyaak, 3658 Tyabb, 3913 Tyenna, 3533 Tyers, 3844 Tylden, 3444 Tylden South, 3444 Tynong, 3813 Tynong North, 3813 Tyntynder, 3586 Tyntynder South, 3586 Tyrendarra, 3285 Tyrendarra East, 3285 Tyrrell, 3533 Tyrrell Downs, 3533 Ullina, 3370 Ullswater, 3318 Ultima, 3544 Ultima East, 3544 Ulupna, 3641 Undera, 3629 Underbool, 3509 Upotipotpon, 3669 Upper Ferntree Gully, 3156 Upper Gundowring, 3691 Upper Lurg, 3673 Upper Plenty, 3756 Upper Ryans Creek, 3673 Upton Hill, 3664 Upwey, 3158 Valencia Creek, 3860 Vasey, 3407 Vaughan, 3451 Vectis, 3401 Ventnor, 3922 Venus Bay, 3956 Vermont, 3133 Vermont South, 3133 Vervale, 3814 Vesper, 3833 Victoria Point, 3294 Victoria Valley, 3294 Viewbank, 3084 Vinifera, 3591 Violet Town, 3669 Vite Vite, 3325 Vite Vite North, 3325 W Tree, 3885 Waaia, 3637 Waanyarra, 3551 Waarre, 3269 Wabonga, 3678 Waggarandall, 3646 Wahgunyah, 3687 Wahring, 3608 Wail, 3401 Wairewa, 3887 Waitchie, 3544 Wal Wal, 3385 Waldara, 3678 Walhalla, 3825 Walhalla East, 3825 Walkerville, 3956 Walkerville North, 3956 Walkerville South, 3956 Wallace, 3352 Wallacedale, 3303 Wallagaraugh, 3891 Wallaloo, 3387 Wallaloo East, 3387 Wallan, 3756 Wallinduc, 3351 Wallington, 3222 Wallup, 3401 Walmer, 3463 Walpa, 3875 Walpeup, 3507 Walwa, 3709 Wanalta, 3612 Wandana Heights, 3216 Wandella, 3579 Wandiligong, 3744 Wandin East, 3139 Wandin North, 3139 Wando Bridge, 3312 Wando Vale, 3312 Wandong, 3758 Wandown, 3549 Wangandary, 3678 Wangarabell, 3891 Wangaratta, 3677 Wangaratta South, 3678 Wangie, 3530 Wangoom, 3279 Wannon, 3301 Wantirna, 3152 Wantirna South, 3152 Waranga, 3616 Waranga Shores, 3612 Waratah Bay, 3959 Warburton, 3799 Wareek, 3465 Wargan, 3505 Warmur, 3482 Warncoort, 3243 Warne, 3530 Warneet, 3980 Warrabkook, 3286 Warracknabeal, 3393 Warragul, 3820 Warragul South, 3821 Warragul West, 3821 Warrak, 3377 Warrandyte, 3113 Warrandyte South, 3134 Warranwood, 3134 Warrayure, 3301 Warrenbayne, 3670 Warrenheip, 3352 Warrenmang, 3478 Warrion, 3249 Warrnambool, 3280 Warrock, 3312 Warrong, 3283 Wartook, 3401 Watchem, 3482 Watchem West, 3482 Watchupga, 3485 Waterford Park, 3658 Waterholes, 3875 Waterloo, 3373 Waterways, 3195 Watsonia, 3087 Watsonia North, 3087 Watsons Creek, 3097 Wattle Bank, 3995 Wattle Creek, 3384 Wattle Flat, 3352 Wattle Glen, 3096 Wattle Hill, 3237 Waubra, 3352 Waurn Ponds, 3216 Waygara, 3888 Weatherboard, 3352 Wedderburn, 3518 Wedderburn Junction, 3518 Wee Wee Rup, 3568 Weeaproinah, 3237 Weering, 3251 Weerite, 3260 Wehla, 3518 Weir Views, 3338 Wellsford, 3551 Welshmans Reef, 3462 Welshpool, 3966 Wemen, 3549 Wendouree, 3355 Wensleydale, 3241 Wentworth, 3875 Werneth, 3352 Werona, 3364 Werribee, 3030 Werribee South, 3030 Werrimull, 3496 Wesburn, 3799 West Bendigo, 3550 West Creek, 3992 West Footscray, 3012 West Melbourne, 3003 West Wodonga, 3690 Westbury, 3825 Westby, 3579 Westmeadows, 3049 Westmere, 3351 Whanregarwen, 3714 Wharparilla, 3564 Wheatsheaf, 3461 Wheelers Hill, 3150 Whipstick, 3556 Whirily, 3483 White Hills, 3550 Whiteheads Creek, 3660 Whitelaw, 3950 Whitfield, 3733 Whitlands, 3678 Whittington, 3219 Whittlesea, 3757 Whoorel, 3243 Whorouly, 3735 Whorouly East, 3735 Whorouly South, 3735 Whroo, 3612 Wickliffe, 3379 Wilby, 3728 Wild Dog Valley, 3953 Wildwood, 3429 Wilkur, 3393 Willangie, 3485 Willatook, 3283 Willaura, 3379 Willaura North, 3379 Willenabrina, 3393 Williams Landing, 3027 Williamstown, 3016 Williamstown North, 3016 Willow Grove, 3825 Willowmavin, 3764 Willowvale, 3360 Willung, 3847 Willung South, 3847 Wilsons Hill, 3515 Wilsons Promontory, 3960 Wimbledon Heights, 3922 Winchelsea, 3241 Winchelsea South, 3241 Windermere, 3352 Windsor, 3181 Wingan River, 3891 Wingeel, 3321 Winjallok, 3477 Winlaton, 3585 Winnambool, 3546 Winnap, 3304 Winnindoo, 3858 Winslow, 3281 Winter Valley, 3358 Winton, 3673 Winton North, 3673 Wirrate, 3608 Wiseleigh, 3885 Wodonga, 3690 Wollert, 3750 Wombat Creek, 3888 Wombelano, 3409 Won Wron, 3971 Wonga, 3960 Wonga Park, 3115 Wongarra, 3234 Wongungarra, 3862 Wonnangatta, 3737 Wonthaggi, 3995 Wonwondah, 3401 Wonyip, 3962 Wood Wood, 3596 Woodend, 3442 Woodend North, 3442 Woodfield, 3715 Woodford, 3281 Woodglen, 3875 Woodhouse, 3294 Woodleigh, 3945 Woods Point, 3723 Woodside, 3874 Woodside Beach, 3874 Woodside North, 3874 Woodstock, 3751 Woodstock On Loddon, 3551 Woodstock West, 3463 Woodvale, 3556 Wool Wool, 3249 Woolamai, 3995 Woolenook, 3860 Woolshed Flat, 3518 Woolsthorpe, 3276 Woomelang, 3485 Wooragee, 3747 Woorarra East, 3962 Woorarra West, 3960 Wooreen, 3953 Woori Yallock, 3139 Woorinen, 3589 Woorinen North, 3589 Woorinen South, 3588 Woorndoo, 3272 Wooroonook, 3525 Woosang, 3518 Wootong Vale, 3315 Worrowing, 3858 Wrathung, 3860 Wrixon, 3860 Wroxham, 3891 Wuk Wuk, 3875 Wulgulmerang, 3885 Wulgulmerang East, 3885 Wulgulmerang West, 3885 Wunghnu, 3635 Wurdiboluc, 3241 Wurruk, 3850 Wy Yung, 3875 Wycheproof, 3527 Wycheproof South, 3527 Wychitella, 3525 Wychitella North, 3525 Wye River, 3234 Wyelangta, 3237 Wyndham Vale, 3024 Wyuna, 3620 Wyuna East, 3620 Yaapeet, 3424 Yabba North, 3646 Yabba South, 3646 Yackandandah, 3749 Yalca, 3637 Yalla-Y-Poora, 3378 Yallambie, 3085 Yallourn, 3825 Yallourn North, 3825 Yalmy, 3885 Yambuk, 3285 Yambuna, 3621 Yan Yean, 3755 Yanac, 3418 Yanakie, 3960 Yando, 3537 Yandoit, 3461 Yandoit Hills, 3461 Yangery, 3283 Yangoura, 3858 Yannathan, 3981 Yapeen, 3451 Yarck, 3719 Yarpturk, 3283 Yarra Glen, 3775 Yarra Junction, 3797 Yarraberb, 3516 Yarragon, 3823 Yarragon South, 3823 Yarram, 3971 Yarrambat, 3091 Yarraville, 3013 Yarrawalla, 3575 Yarrawonga, 3730 Yarrawonga South, 3730 Yarroweyah, 3644 Yatchaw, 3301 Yawong Hills, 3478 Yea, 3717 Yellingbo, 3139 Yelta, 3505 Yendon, 3352 Yeo, 3249 Yeodene, 3249 Yering, 3770 Yeungroon, 3525 Yeungroon East, 3525 Yielima, 3638 Yinnar, 3869 Yinnar South, 3869 York Plains, 3477 Youanmite, 3646 Youarang, 3728 Yulecart, 3301 Yundool, 3727 Yuroke, 3063 Yuulong, 3237 Zeerust, 3634 Zumsteins, 3401


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