Latest by Your Investment Property Mag

Creating a profitable property portfolio from scratch

The fear can be overwhelming that many novice investors find they give up even before trying.

Top shelf investments

Anyone thinking about dipping their toe into the premium property market will wish they did so twelve months ago. With a 30-40% jump in prices in 2007, the value of high-end properties has just entered a new territory.

5 ways to make the most of the latest rate cut

Here are a few suggestions:

How to screen your tenants

Step by step guide to refinancing

Your guide to property investment strategies - Part 1

Investing when the money is tight

How do you create more cash flow through property?

Timing the growing your property portfolio

When the rental price is right!

Coming back for seconds – Buying A Second Home

Getting the right loan structure

Developing: The DA process

Choosing tenants and dealing with repairs

Fastest-growing rental properties in NSW

Brisbane developer offloads property at 2005 prices

Australian mortgage market remains sound despite volatility

National regulation plans for property spruikers

Sydney CBD office space a super investment

Inner Sydney apartment market tipped to recover end of 2009

Tapping into your hidden wealth: Releasing equity

Mortgage repayments to jump by 50% for some homeowners

Brisbane western bypass ruled out

Rates remain at 12-year high

War on inflation might be going too far: economist

Australia racks up biggest immigration boom in history

Melbourne vacancy rate drops to below 1%

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