Expert Insights – Page 16

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No one has ever become rich by doing nothing.

Before you buy into the hype, let’s separate the facts from the alarmist and the click-bait articles and negative media coverage that currently abounds, to show you that ‘doom and gloom’ isn’t the only attitude to take.

Here’s why property investors develop financial freedom

How to find the Investment Grade Suburbs in a Top Performing Suburb List.

The Banks - Don’t get me started

The Tax Man has a warning

Here's how Labor's $200 Billion tax slug will impact you.

Market facts make way for wishful thinking

Why chasing high cash flow properties may be detrimental to your wealth.

Is your home exempt from CGT?

Why invest in property before the federal election?

Brisbane, next cab off the rank?

Should Negative Gearing Change?

Buy more property with these 5 finance hacks

The Dangers and Opportunities created by Labor's Property Tax Policies

A valuer’s tips on smart investing

Timing the market for best results

How is Capital Gains Tax calculated?

Investors considering strata amalgamation

Labor policy opens the door to foreign investment

This $2 investment could make you millions!

What should you do differently in 2019?

Why I’m being a Negative Nancy

Chinese investors love our property

You need someone who is going to tell you the truth

Ten common mistakes investors make during a property downturn

Should Investors stay on the sidelines?

Should you consider using a Non Bank Lender?

Could Labor have it right?

Brisbane’s Time to Shine

Did we get Millennials wrong?

Properties and pools

The 3 stages in the life of a property investor

The way ahead: a new direction for 2019

Old problems in new highrises

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