Tax Q&As

Latest in Tax Q&As

Tax Q&A: CGT exemption for non-residents

Tax Q&A: How does equity affect an investment property?

Tax Q&A: How to calculate Capital Gains Tax?

Tax Q&A: What do I need to know about CGT?

Tax Q&A: If I move back, will I still be exempt from CGT?

Tax Q&A: Which property is more eligible for CGT?

Tax Q&A: Application of CGT on overseas assets

Tax Q&A: Which property is most likely to have higher gain when sold?

Tax Q&A: When will CGT apply?

Tax Q&A: Am I eligible for a full CGT exemption?

Tax Q&A: Will CGT be calculated on the original purchase price?

Tax Q&A: How to minimise capital gains tax liability?

Tax Q&A: Value added as a self-renovator?

Tax Q&A: Six-year rule for non-residents?

Tax Q&A: Will I be required to pay CGT?

Tax Q&A: Will I still be liable for CGT?

Tax Q&A: If we sell our house, how will the CGT be calculated?

Tax Q&A: Will I be fully exempt from CGT?

Tax Q&A: Are there any CGT exemptions for previous settlements?

Tax Q&A: Will I still be able to claim the expenditure on the vacant block?

Tax Q&A: Recommendations for best capital gains tax strategy

Tax Q&A: Refinancing and claiming mortgage interest

Tax Q&A: Can our family sell our home tax free?

Tax Q&A: PPOR exemption

Tax Q&A: What is the ‘market valuation rule’

Tax Q&A: Are any exemptions available to me?

Tax Q&A: Trading loss against gain

Tax Q&A: What are our capital gains obligations?

Tax Q&A: CGT exemption

Tax Q&A: Exposure to Capital Gains Tax

Tax Q&A: Depreciation Tax Deductions

Tax Q&A: Will my home remain my PPOR despite temporary absences?

Tax Q&A: Capital Gains Tax

Tax Q&A: What do I have to do before renting my home?

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