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Flying solo and going strong

Is the Australian housing market too hot?

10 ways first-time investors could go wrong and lose money

First-time property investors start out with the best intentions. They know that to grow their money they need to invest it. They work hard and save up their earnings into a neat little nest egg, and buy a property nearby hoping that they will be able to sell it in 10 years for double what they paid for it. Not long after, the property is sold as it is deemed “more effort than it’s worth”. If they are lucky, it’s only a small loss.


Tax issues for Australian expatriates investing in Australian properties

How to make your equity work for you

What to do when a good tenant falls on hard times?

Is a low deposit loan right for you?

Capital growth VS CASH FLOW: What’s the best strategy for the current market?

Top 12 tactics buyers’ agents use to negotiate a GREAT deal

Tax Q&A - Aussie Expat Investor & CGT on Inherited Property

Reno Q&A - Comparing Quotes - Laundry + Bathroom & Best flooring for a rental property

From zero to property riches: Part 1 - Beginner’s guide to investing in property

Your step-by-step development Dealing with council – How to get a DA approval fast

Rear view with Ian Hosking Richards

How I built my $3m property portfolio from nothing

Property Management Q&A: Dealing with late-paying tenants & Selling rental property while tenanted

Prime Cost method of depreciation

Why a negative focus on foreign investors is wrong

Why property really is the best investment

Australia: the world's second-most expensive housing market

Gearing, Leverage and Cash

Mindset matters: Rich VS Wealthy

Tackling dodgy dealings and unfair practices

The 3 successful ways to manufacture equity

How to negotiate a killer deal

Changing strategies to achieve your goal

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